2023-2024 Yearbooks
Rio Bravo Elementary Students(PreK-4th Grade):
The cost is $25 or $30 with personalization.
Personalization can ONLY be done if purchasing online. The DEADLINE for personalization is March 15th. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
DEADLINE for yearbook orders is March 22nd
The DEADLINE for ADs is March 8th - You must create your own AD and submit it by the deadline!
Ways to order:
Buy online with SCHOOL CODE 197690M
Pay at the office with cash or check.
Venmo @Rio-BravoPTC (include “YEARBOOK,” your child’s name, grade, and teacher)
Have pictures to share to help fill our yearbook with memories? Please send RBE pictures to eaglesyb@rbgusd.org
Rio Bravo-Greeley School(5th Grade - 8th Grade):
Cost is $35 or $40 with personalization.
Personalization can ONLY be done if purchasing online. DEADLINE for personalization is March 22nd! NO EXCEPTIONS!!
DEADLINE for yearbook order is April 2nd
DEADLINE for ADs is March 11th - You must create your own AD and submit it by deadline!
Ways to order:
Buy online with SCHOOL CODE 203760M 
Memorybook Online Pay
Pay at the office with cash or check.
Venmo us @Rio-BravoPTC (include “YEARBOOK”, your child’s name, grade, and home room teacher)
Have pictures to share to help fill our yearbook with memories? Please send RBG pictures to gauchosyb@rbgusd.org