Reading Plus

Welcome to Mrs. Tate's 6th Grade Language Arts Page!

Required Materials

3-ring binder with subject dividers              Pencils, blue pen, red pen

Binder paper or spiral bound notebook with easy to tear pages

Highlighter                                                   Folder with two-pockets

Online Grades

Your student’s grades can be accessed anytime by using Power School. This is a great way to check for missing/late assignments and keep up to date on your child’s progress.


Students are responsible for making up any missed classwork and/or homework given during the days missed. Absence from class DOES NOT excuse anyone from completing assignments or taking tests.  Students will have one day to make up work for each day absent from class.

Late Work

Homework and class work that is turned in late will be deducted points. Major projects will be graded down at least one full letter grade for each day the assignment is late.


Inappropriate behavior and consequences/discipline will be handled in accordance with school rules established in the 2015-2016 student handbooks.

·        First offense: verbal warning/ parent notification

·        Second offense: detention and parent notification

·         Third offense: office referral

General Info

  • The weekly syllabus will be posted on my class page by the end of the day Monday. To view or print a copy of the syllabus, just click on the Syllabus link in the column to the left.
  • Grades are updated frequently throughout the week.
  • Some of the notes given in class will be posted online, in case a student is absent or did not finish copying the notes in class. It is important to take the notes, because I let students use them on some of the tests.
  • Students who miss a test or need some extra assistance on anything we covered in class may come in at lunch and make up the test or get help during 6th period.


  • Students should be in line on time, enter the classroom quietly, and have all of their necessary books and materials ready to go.
  • Forgetting books and/or materials 3 times will result in a detention, as it disrupts the class and wastes time.
  • Students should make every effort to participate in class.
  • Students should behave appropriately in the classroom and show respect to others.


  • I assign homework 2-4 times a week, depending on what we are covering at the time.
  • Weekend homework is rare, unless a student has been absent or neglectful during the week.
  • Assignments are due on time, and it is the student’s responsibility to turn in his work. 

Contact Me

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (this is the fastest way to reach me) or calling the school at 661-589-2505.

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