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Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Details

Students are eligible if they are: Foster Youth, English Learners, or have Free/Reduced Meal eligibility. Please complete this form for each student you are interested in attending the RBGUSD FREE ELO-P Grades TK-6  in 2024-2025 before and after school program. Verify that all information is accurate and, as a reminder, this data is collected for interest and not as a confirmation of acceptance. Notifications and acceptance and those placed on a waiting list will happen by late July. 
Please complete this form for each student you are interested in attending the paid RBGUSD daycare program in the 2024-2025 school year. Verify that all information is accurate and, as a reminder, this data is collected for interest and not as a confirmation of acceptance. Notifications and acceptance and those placed on a waiting list will happen in late June. All current students who attend RBGUSD during 2023-2024 and qualify for our ELOP program will be invited through a separate communication. Thank you.



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