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Superintendent's Message:

Jennifer Hedge


Welcome to the Rio Bravo-Greeley Union School District!

I am honored to serve as the Superintendent of this special school district The Rio Bravo-Greeley
Union School District is more than a place where students come to learn. Students not only experience
academic success but are also exposed to experiences and traditions unlike anywhere else. We pride
ourselves on the connections our students, families, and staff have with our schools.

The success we experience is due to tremendous community support and the heart our staff pours into
students each day. Working together, we strive to continuously improve upon and evolve our practices,
all with keeping students at the center of our focus. We are blessed with a wonderful Parent Teacher
Club and Educational Foundation who support our District in providing a well-rounded educational
experience for all.

Our goals remain centered on all students' academic growth, safety, a well-rounded school experience, and social-emotional learning.

As Superintendent since 2016, I can attest to the uniqueness of RBGUSD and how quickly this feels like
home. Whether you are new to the District or have been here for years, we love having you as an
educational partner and value you as a part of our school district family!

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram as we showcase the exciting events and learning
happening on our campuses!

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Rio Bravo-Greeley USD

Jennifer Hedge



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School Phone Numbers

Rio Bravo Elementary School: (661)588-6313 | Rio Bravo-Greeley School: (661)589-2505
